Flowing Lava Review - The Concept
I recently watched Netflix' "Rolling Thunder Review", a Martin Scorsese remix of the film shot to chronicle Bob Dylan's 1975/1976 tour including numerous outstanding singers, songwriters, personalities and musicians gathered together to perform. Each performer got a "slot" to do their own thing and many also joined together in various combinations over the course of the evening including a rousing full band finale.
After getting over the "I wish I'd been there." bout of nostalgia (I was managing an electronics manufacturing company in S.F. and playing just a few gigs at the time), I thought, "Hey! There are so many great musicians in West Hawai'i, let's do it here."
So we will.
Our premier and proof of concept will be on Sept 21st, 2019 at the Listening Room. C'mon by and you can say later that "I was There at the Beginning!"
Pure Kona Markets - South Kona
I play One or Two Sundays a month with Mauka Soul
We play Hawai'ian music and Classic Rock with an infectious blend of Kalima's slack-key artistry and outstanding vocals with Chet's decades of performance experience as a lead guitarist, 2nd guitar, bass and vocals.
We're accompanied by our stellar percussionist Luis (We-easy) Nuñez and our good friend and outstanding singer/songwriter Keoki Cortez on bass, guitar and vocals!
The Pure Kona Market is committed to sustainability, natural practices, and working with the earth to produce quality food and art for our local community. Stop by to get your weekly produce, enjoy a meal, purchase arts and crafts, get some body work, visit the Vet, listen to some great live music and stay for the day.
The market is held on Fridays and Sundays from 9am to 2pm. Sundays have live music all day.
The Pure Kona Markets are held at Amy Greenwell Botanical Gardens at 82-6188 Mamalahoa Highway at mile marker 110, just across from the Manago hotel in Captain Cook.